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Wednesday, October 17, 2007



Quick and agile - dancing Ducaties,

Beginner’s eager embrace,

Lothario’s practiced moves.

Moments lingering for days-

Ghost dances.


Monday, October 8, 2007

The Immigrants' Tango

Sitting amongst refrains of nostalgia
rooted in past shadows
A walled flower
Eyes meet,
in trespass or invitation?
Her vined legs unwind
from the seat of familiar
With one arm they embrace,
their other stop-sign hands clasp
marking a joined border
of resistance
Transplanted onto this dance floor
soiled with memories,
they negotiate the boundary
of their new, shared space
With each haunting call of the bandoneon,
compelling their circling steps
into now
The insinuating rhythm
unites them with one pulse
and yet
the eternal push, pull
hiding, enfolding
Clinging to the music's strains
drawing them together, apart
this tensile arrival, separation
never quite pausing
in past or future
Just a timeless heartbeat
of sinewed silence
before the music propels them on
Moving as one,
the dancers seek freedom
through their locked embrace,
escape without departure
Echoing the bandoneon's pull, push
Leaving, returning
Mourning, uniting
Into a finale flourish.
Then the tango begins anew.
(dimly remembered past seasons
litter their feet)
yet they dance on
singing for freedom
calling for home

- Vanessa Winn

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tango Night

I don't care about my reputation
what I care about is
shoulders down
heels to the ground
head erect and
core tight.
I don't care what eyes may see
what I care about is
arms embracing
in the night.
Read what you want to
into the slow sweep
of legs around legs, of heels across floor.
For a vision of what's inside me,
forget your hesitation
forget what hesitation's for.
I don't care about the morning after
what I care about is
passions spent
comfort lent
moments in darkness
that feel like light.
October 2007
Jennifer Brandlon